What we do:


Residential/Commercial septic.
(Non hazardous only)
Grease traps and riser installation

Get on Our


The easiest way to get on the scedule is to call into the office, but appointment requests can be made by email, or through our contact form.
The office staff will confirm the appointment once it is on the schedule and then again the day before the appointment. Due to unforeseen circumstances with septic work appointment may need to change dates. Additional fees may apply for guaranteed appointment days or emergency service.


When calling please provide address, approximate location of lid (if known), and a description of the issue.





When buying a house with a septic one should get a septic inspection done.  With new system costing $15,000 to $30,000  this should be a no-ifs-and-or-buts decision.  A new homeowner does not want that type of surprise.   An inspection needs to be done before pumping.  If you are unsure who to hire for an inspection, call the office and we can make recommendations.


If you hear gurgling sounds or are starting to get black water coming up in the tub:  this could be an indication you have a blockage in your pipe, or something else is going on in the Septic tank often a blockage at the inlet or your water level is over full.  The homeowner can open the lid to see if there is a blockage or water level is too high.  If it covers the inlet you may have problems.


AVOID FLUSHING: “flushable wipes”.  They flush but do not break down.  Avoid triple ply toilet paper if you have a septic system the toilet paper does not break down as quickly.  If you run a garbage disposal it is recommended you pump sooner than later.  Food particles do not break down the same other waste.

Regular Appointments

See the following article for more information on household chemistry recommendations: Toilet Paper, Laundery Detergents.


Additional Maintenance

Many septic systems are filtered. These often require cleaning twice yearly. Failure to maintain clean filters can increase the likelihood of back-ups and clogs.

Appointment Reminders

We try to send our reminders for our annual customers a few months before normal scheduled maintenance would be needed. It is up to the homeowner to setup the appointment once received.